Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello all!  Although I have full intensions of posting everyday- I seem to go into the bush and away from all sources of comunication just a little too often to be able to do that!  So here's a few to make up for the days missed.... :)

ZOMBIES, ZOMbies zoooommmmbies.....

I had the privilege of taking part in my first Zombie Walk last week!  Hundreds of Zombies lurched and crawled their way from The Vancouver Art Gallery down to the beach, stopping traffic and scaring the bejesus out of small asian people trying to take pictures of the strange and compelling site before them.  It was awesome.

Zombie's Skateboarding.

                                                          Zombie bride on the beach.

Zombie Wayne resting.       

                                              Crazy spitting and snarling, asian-scaring Zombie.

Olympic mission...

During the Olympics John had a gigantic canadian flag he took absolutely everywhere he went.  He collected signatures from locals and visitors, athletes and spectators, and even the odd politician or two.  After being completely plastered with signatures from people around the world, the flag was stollen from John, who turned around, bought another one, and went right back to work.  :)  

1 comment:

  1. Zombie Walk?!?! That is SO AWESOME. (Can't believe I've never heard of this.) HAHAHAHAHA.
